Angel Magic Program

Get in Alignment with the Spiritual Power and Support of the Universe and Manifest your Goals!

Enrollment now open!

Why Angel Magic?

As a clairvoyant child, I was aware of these Angels Beings of Light from a young age. I started communicating consciously with my Guardian Angel when I was just five years old. Throughout my childhood, there were many emotional and sometimes even violent fights amongst my family members. During these fights, I would talk to the Guardian Angels of my parents and siblings to help them to calm their energy.

Over the years, the Angels taught me how to best connect with their spiritual power and how to allow them to support me. Without their Angel wings wrapped safely around me, I know that I wouldn’t have been able to thrive after such a difficult childhood.

Throughout my years as a spiritual and transformational teacher, I mentioned working with Angels but I’ve never before done an Angel workshop with my students. Finally, just a few weeks ago, I received the green light to share with you all how we can work with Angel Magic in the current Aquarius Era.

I am very excited and honored to show you how to use Angel Magic to help you when:

You feel stuck and you need to clear the energy in order to attract solutions

You wish to attract money and to clear any money-related blockages

You need protection against toxic people and situations

You need more support during times of conflict and stress

You wish to have more peace, balance, and joy in your current relationships

You wish to start communicating with the Angel of your future partner in order to attract them in your life

You need physical, emotional, and mental healing for you or your loved ones

The Law of Attraction is all about raising your vibration to match the energy of your goals, but it can be difficult to get to a higher energy level. This is where the Angels can help you!

Learn all the above and more in Marie's
Signature Program


Angel Magic Program

Here’s What We Will Cover Inside

An introduction to Angels and Angel Magic

How to connect with your Guardian Angel and find out its name

How to talk to Angels so they can help you manifest your goals

How to work with Abundance Angels in order to attract money and new income streams

How to tune into the Angels of your new romantic partner

How to align with the Angels of your family to help them in their spiritual journey

Understanding and recognizing the signs of the Angels

Understanding the Angel Numbers

Connecting with the Angels of your Master

How to bring in the Healing Angels to deepen the effect of your healing practices.

The best areas in your home to place Angels in order to get the most support

How to set up your own Angel Magic Ritual (you will need to have a white candle and a white rose ready for the online meeting)

Enrollment now open!


I just want to thank you for the Inner Diamond Meditation class! My husband recently told me that I have a special inner glow about me (we have been married 12 years!) and that I am looking so ‘bright eyed’ lately and asked what I am doing differently. He wasn’t aware that I was taking this class. I think this is the best compliment I’ve had for a long time! Thank you so much for activating my rainbow! I want the whole world to see it!


After learning the meditation technique at the Inner Diamond Meditation class, I have been able to tell what level of awareness I am operating at and can quickly return to a higher, more conscious level. It’s not that things don’t affect me, but rather than being stuck emotionally, I can ‘rise above the situation’ and take another perspective. It has such potential for giving me more choices in response to my world and more importantly, to be a vessel to bring that higher consciousness into my daily awareness where change and growth can manifest.

Saturday June 24th, 2023

Session 1

8:00 am to 9:15 am PCT (11:00 am to 12:15 pm EST – 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm London Time)

Session 2

9:30 am to 10.45 am PCT (12:30 pm to 1:45 pm EST – 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm London Time)

Session 3

11:00 am to 12:15 pm PCT (2:00 pm to 3:15 pm EST – 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm London Time)

Session 4

12:30 pm to 1:45 pm PCT (3:30 pm to 4:45 pm EST – 8:30 pm to 9:45 pm London Time)

Bonus Session

Q&A with special World Meditation on 30th of June 2023 (Noon to 1:30 pm PCT 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm EST - 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm London Time)

Pricing Details

Angel Magic Program

$ 198 Seminar

Angel &
Archangel Bundle

$ 298 Add the "Archangel Magic" Program and SAVE 98$
Best Value

Here’s What We Will Cover Inside Archangel Magic


An introduction to Archangels and how can we use their magic

How to work with Archangel Michael to let go of negative energy

Working with Archangel Raphael for your healing

Understanding and recognizing Archangel Signs and their Archangel numbers

How to call in the Legions of Light from each Archangel

How to work with the Archangels to help change the world around you

The best areas in your home to place Archangels in order to get the most support

Which Archangels are connected with twenty-four different colours of the Inner Diamond

How to set up your own Archangel Magic Ritual

Saturday August 19th, 2023

Session 1

8:00 am to 9:15 am PCT (11:00 am to 12:15 pm EST – 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm London Time)

Session 2

9:30 am to 10.45 am PCT (12:30 pm to 1:45 pm EST – 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm London Time)

Session 3

11:00 am to 12:15 pm PCT (2:00 pm to 3:15 pm EST – 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm London Time)

Session 4

12:30 pm to 1:45 pm PCT (3:30 pm to 4:45 pm EST – 8:30 pm to 9:45 pm London Time)

Bonus Session

Q&A with special World Archangel Meditation on September 21st, 2023 Noon to 1:30 pm PCT (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm EST - 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm London Time)

Marie Diamond

Marie Diamond is one of the world’s top transformational leaders, speakers, and bestselling authors. A renowned voice on Law of Attraction, she is a ‘Seer’ in a modern context and the only European star featured in the worldwide phenomenon The Secret.

Marie merges her profound intuitive knowledge of Energy and the Law of Attraction, with her studies of Quantum Physics, Meditation, Feng Shui, and Dowsing to transform the success, relationships and inspirations of individuals, organizations, and corporations. Her clients include billionaires, A-list celebrities, top-selling writers, motivational speakers, CEOs, Fortune 500 Companies, governmental organizations and more than 300,000 students online.

Look at what past students have to say about
Marie's Programs!

Let me take you on a journey and show you what has
worked for me and many of my students.

Don't wait. All you gotta do is lean in and trust the process!

Frequently asked questions

After the purchase the program(s) will be added to your library where you’ll have access at any time as long as you have internet connection. 

You will be sent emails with further information and support (Check your spam/junk folders). If you do not receive any emails, please contact

All online sessions are held through Zoom and are recorded. This means you will have access to all sessions in a recorded format as well.

It varies from program to program. Sometimes there are FB  groups included for further support, at other times you can ask questions directly on live calls (when included) or at Q&A Sessions. You can also post your questions on the online library. 

Pricing Details

Angel Magic Program

$ 198 Seminar

Angel &
Archangel Bundle

$ 298 Add the "Archangel Magic" Program and SAVE 98$
Best Value
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