Feng Shui SOS: "How Can I Get a Good Night's Sleep?"

Whether it’s due to a generous dose of caffeine too late in the evening or an overactive mind ruminating over the day’s unfinished to-do list, the effects of a bad night’s sleep can be far-reaching. When we haven't been able to get our solid eight hours of rest, we may find the next day that our concentration is weakened, our mood is snappy and irritable, and our usually-radiant skin is…well, they don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!

So what can we do to ensure a full night’s slumber? Luckily, there are an array of Feng Shui tricks designed to help you drift off to the land of nod. 

Avoid Having Mirrors Across From the Bed

Mirrors are very powerful tools in Feng Shui and can be a welcome addition to many rooms in the home. The bedroom, however, isn’t one of them! 

When you have a mirror or reflective surface (including the shiny, black screen of a TV or computer  on standby) opposite your bed, you’re in effect “doubling” your body which can double your existing health issues. It can also lead to bad dreams, insomnia, and it can even have a negative effect on your relationship. 

A quick and easy fix for this is to cover any mirror or shiny surface with a scarf of a fold-out screen whilst you sleep. 

Avoid Having Beams Above Your Bed

If you have wooden beams on the ceiling in your bedroom, especially if they’re above your bed, these can wreak havoc with your sleep! Beams like this are what is known in Feng Shui as a “poison arrow” as they are sharp lines that create fast-moving energy towards a person, cutting into their positive chi. You might find that you have trouble sleeping, or that you seem to wake up each day with pain in the part of your body where the beam is above. 

To neutralize it, paint it or cover it with material in the same color as the ceiling so that it blends in. 

Avoid Having Plants or Water Elements In the Room

Whilst plants are an excellent way to add fresh, new lifeforce into a room, it can be counterproductive for the bedroom. The abundance of energy that plants bring can be too intense in a room destined for sleep and relaxation, so save the greenery for another room. 

Similarly, water elements such as a water fountain or aquarium can be too much energy for the bedroom. The flowing water creates too much motion, too much movement, and can lead to nights spent tossing and turning. Not to mention the sound of all that water can have you waking up regularly for trips to the bathroom!

Keep the Bedroom As a Space for Sleep

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary of sleep, so it’s important that everything in there serves that exact purpose. Keep any exercise equipment hidden away in a closet or cupboard when they’re not in use, or cover them with a blanket. If you have a work desk in your bedroom, use a fold-out screen to hide it away whilst you sleep. 

Curate a mood of relaxation with lavender scented candles or air fresheners, and launder your bed sheets regularly so that they’re kept crisp and clean. Banish any unnecessary clutter and get into the habit of giving your bedroom a quick five-minute tidy before you get ready for bed. A peaceful bedroom equals a peaceful night’s sleep. Sweet dreams!

With Love and Joy,

Dame Marie Diamond

Feng Shui Master and Best-selling Author

My upcoming book “Your Home Is a Vision Board” is available now on Amazon for pre-order

Executive Producer and Star of the TV Series "Feng Shui your Life", streaming now on Tubi


Feng Shui SOS: “Do I Leave The Toilet Seat Up or Down” and Other Feng Shui Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask.


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