How to Use Feng Shui to Keep Your Passion Burning Bright!
andy demeyer andy demeyer

How to Use Feng Shui to Keep Your Passion Burning Bright!

Whether you’re newly paired up or keeping the fires of a long-term relationship burning strong, taking time to make a passion a priority is always a good thing. It doesn’t have to be all chocolate-covered strawberries and grand gestures, though; in fact, some of the most effective ways to take your relationship to the next level are the small changes you make to your home environment. Here are some simple yet effective Feng Shui hacks to help sweep your partner off their feet!

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Feng Shui SOS: "How Can I Get a Good Night's Sleep?"
andy demeyer andy demeyer

Feng Shui SOS: "How Can I Get a Good Night's Sleep?"

Whether it’s due to a generous dose of caffeine too late in the evening or an overactive mind ruminating over the day’s unfinished to-do list, the effects of a bad night’s sleep can be far-reaching. When we haven't been able to get our solid eight hours of rest, we may find the next day that our concentration is weakened, our mood is snappy and irritable, and our usually-radiant skin is…well, they don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!

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Blog Post Title Four
andy demeyer andy demeyer

Blog Post Title Four

“It’s not you, it’s me…”

“I don’t think this is working out…”

“Maybe we should just be friends…”

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