How to Create an Office Fit For An Entrepreneur

As a Feng Shui Master and world-renowned transformational leader, it’s safe to say I lead a busy life! Whether I’m jetting off to advise my A-list clients or hosting online Law of Attraction workshops with my students, my days are dedicated to all the different ways I can help enlighten the world. 

As my fellow entrepreneurs can attest to, it can get hard trying to juggle everything. No matter how busy I get though, I always find the time to make sure my office is a clean, tidy, and positive environment for me to work in. I can almost hear the response now: “Why is that so important? Surely a little clutter is just a sign that you’re working too hard to care about housekeeping!” Well, what if I told you that your environment has a direct impact on your success?

Feng Shui is an Ancient Chinese energy system all about maintaining a positive flow of energy, or “chi”, in your home and workspace. By putting the right items in the right places and by activating your Personal Directions, you can use this flow of energy in order to make your dreams a reality.

With over twenty-five years of experience as a Feng Shui Master, I can teach you how to create an environment that will leave you feeling empowered, motivated, and open to receive all of the Universe’s gifts. Best of all, you can do all this in just five easy steps!

1/ Declutter Your Office

From folders bursting with old papers to cluttered desks, offices can be home to all sorts of work-related debris. The process of mindfully sorting through everything to see what you should keep, what should be donated, repaired, or gotten rid of entirely is known as “space clearing” in Feng Shui. Not only does it help eliminate mess-related stress, but it helps energy to be able to flow more freely. Clutter can disrupt this flow, so space clearing is just one way we can ensure our office stays filled with abundance-attracting energy. 

What to Do:

Begin by spraying some lavender air mist in your office. Then, have five boxes or bags in the center:

  • The first box will be for everything you decide to keep

  • The second box will be for anything you decide to throw away

  • The third box will be for anything you want to give to your friends and family

  • The fourth box will be for anything you decide to donate to charity

  • The fifth box will be for anything you decide to sell, perhaps online or in a consignment store

Go through your drawers, bookcases, and closets and place everything inside them in one of the five boxes. A quick way to decide what stays and what goes is to ask yourself whether you’re going to use this item in the next year. If it’s a no, consider getting rid of it. 

2/ Sit Like a Leader

Are you able to see the gifts from the Universe when they come to you, or do you sit with your back to them? There’s a principle in Feng Shui known as “the power position”, which refers to the way you position yourself in your space so that you’re the most powerful person in the room. The first and most important rule of power position is that you must be able to see the door to the room without having to turn your neck. 

Why is this important? Well, in terms of Feng Shui, you want to make sure you’re in the path of the incoming flow of energy. You want to see all the opportunities that enter through the door, and you want to make sure you’re making yourself accessible to any good fortune that comes knocking.

What to Do:

In your office, position your desk so that you’re facing the door and so there’s a solid wall behind you. If it’s not possible for you to do this, place a small mirror in front of you so that the door is reflected in it. This way, you’ll still be able to keep an eye on what’s coming in and out. 

3/ Be Supported by the Universe All the Time

Think back to anytime you’ve seen a photo of a CEO, president, or even a royal family member sitting down. Are they sitting on a wonky chair with worn-out stuffing and nowhere to rest their arms? Of course not! They’re always sitting in a high-backed chair which looks comfortable and provides plenty of support for both their back and neck. Whilst the chair may not literally be made of gold or decorated with jewels, you can be sure that they feel like they’re sitting on a throne!

What to Do:

Invest in a high-quality, high-backed chair with armrests. 

If you’re not able to invest in a new chair, you can make sure that you have support in the form of religious or spiritual symbols. This can be anything from images or statues of religious figures, holy books, or an image of a beautiful mountain (just make sure it isn’t snow-capped since this can symbolize “freezing” your progress!)

4/ Find Your Success Direction

As part of my unique Feng Shui approach, I take into an account a person’s Personal Energy Number. This is a number from one to nine and is based on your date of birth and your birth sex. Each Personal Energy Number has four best “Personal Directions” where the energy in each room in your home is the most powerful for you. There’s a Personal Direction for attracting success, good health, good relationships, and wisdom. 

What to Do:

Find out your Personal Energy Number with the free Marie Diamond app and use the Diamond Compass to locate your Success Direction in your office. 

Ensure that there’s no mess, clutter, or trash cans located in your Success Direction. Have a quick tidy-up of this area to ensure you’re not symbolically “throwing your success away” in the trash!

5/ Activate Your Success Direction

You can “activate” your Personal Directions by displaying symbols of power. These can be images or objects that represent your goals and dreams. They can be related to powerful people you admire, your dream career, or anything that represents you living your best life. If it doesn’t reflect what you want, don’t hang it up! You can display your symbols of power either on a pinboard hung up on the wall of your Success Direction, or on a table placed in this direction. 

What Are Symbols of Power?

  • Images of successful people in your profession or who have achieved goals similar to yours

  • Images of your idols and heroes

  • Any certificates or awards that you’ve won

  • Images of religious or spiritual figures

  • Fake awards, like an Oscar, with your name on it

  • Photoshopped magazine covers with your image on them 

  • Images of your company logos or marketing material

There are many more ways to activate your office, this is really just the tip of the iceberg. Feng Shui has helped millions of my students all over the world achieve their goals and manifest their wildest dreams – just think of what it can do for you!

With Love and Joy,

Dame Marie Diamond

Feng Shui Master and Best-selling Author

My latest book “Your Home Is a Vision Board” is available now on Amazon

Executive Producer and Star of the TV Series "Feng Shui your Life", streaming now on Tubi


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