Three Feng Shui Study Hacks You Need to Ace Your Exams

Whether you have kids studying for their end of year exams or you’re cramming for your Masters, with summer comes exam season! To help you get the grade you deserve, here are my Feng Shui hacks to improve your focus, activate your Wisdom Direction, and help you manifest that all-important “A”. Good luck!

1/ Your Feng Shui “Desk Do’s”

When you’re at your desk studying, it’s important to ensure that you’re sitting in “power position”, which refers to the way you position yourself in your space so that you’re the most powerful person in the room. The first and most important rule of power position is that you must be able to see the door to the room without having to turn your neck. 

Why is this important? Well, in terms of Feng Shui, you want to make sure you’re in the path of the incoming flow of energy. You want to see all the opportunities that enter through the door, and you want to make sure you’re making yourself accessible to any good fortune that comes knocking. This abundant, success-attracting energy flow will help you to manifest your very best exam result, so sitting in the power position is a tremendously effective thing you can do to boost your studying. 

Begin by positioning your desk so that you’re facing the door and so there’s a solid wall behind you. It’s very important that you don’t face the wall whilst you’re studying otherwise you’ll find yourself “up against the wall” during your exams. 

It might be the case that your desk is in your bedroom, or that you use your dining table as a desk. This is a potential pit-fall since the merging of different energies (i.e. sleep energy with work energy) can cause energetic disharmony. If you can see your desk from your bed, it’ll be hard for you to have a peaceful night’s sleep when you have that visual reminder of all the studying you still have left to do! To preserve harmony and maintain balance, you can use fold-out screens, room dividers or curtains to create a division of space and hide away your desk whilst you’re sleeping.

Additionally, if you use your dining table to study at, you can use the same Feng Shui principle to help enforce your school/life balance. Have a storage box solely for your study papers, books, and your laptop so that everything can be put away, out of sight, at the end of the day. If you use a dining table for your desk, clear it from any non-school related items beforehand and spray some lavender mist to purify the air. 

2/ Your Desk Decorations

Whilst you want to keep your study desk as clear, clean, and organized as possible, there are some Feng Shui symbols you can add to it to help you with your studies. Placing a laughing Buddha statue will help to relieve stress and remind you to maintain a positive outlook on things. A happy mind will help you to keep your cool when it’s time to enter the exam hall!

You can also place a small dragon statue (no bigger in size than the palm of your hand) to attract the “speed of the dragon” - it will make you feel as though you’re taking in more knowledge in far less time. 

Iris blue is the diamond quantum color representing “focus”, so store your school papers or revision material in an iris blue-colored folder on your desk to help improve your focus. You can also try using iris blue-colored sticky notes or an iris blue-colored highlighter as study aids. 

3/ Activate Your Wisdom Direction

Using the Diamond Compass on the Marie Diamond app to locate your personal Wisdom Direction in your bedroom, office, or living room; whichever room you study in. Once you’ve found it, get to work decluttering this area so that it’s free from any mess, clutter, or chaos. Remove any trash cans or waste paper baskets as they can severely weaken the positive flow of energy.  

Once the area has been suitably tidied, here are some examples of what things you can place in your Wisdom Direction to activate it:

  • A crystal lotus, since the lotus represents wisdom and spirituality

  • An amethyst or white quartz crystal, both of which are excellent for attracting wisdom. White quartz crystal also works to absorb any negative feelings, such as stress or nervousness, that you might be having in regard to your exams

  • A small bookcase to store your school books, reference books, or any study materials 

  • A pinboard displaying your revision timetable, a map of your school campus, and pamphlets from any universities colleges that you want to get into with your exam results

  • A mocked-up exam certification with the grade you want to achieve

  • The diamond quantum color for wisdom is yellow, so place yellow-colored candles, items, or soft furnishings in this area to help you study, learn, and remember things more easily

With Love and Joy,

Dame Marie Diamond

Feng Shui Master and Best-selling Author

My latest book “Your Home Is a Vision Board” is available now on Amazon

Executive Producer and Star of the TV Series "Feng Shui your Life", streaming now on Tubi


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